Inquiry Class Defined

We made this video to highlight what our inquiry class is and the projects students have completed this year!


Student Endangered Species Webcasts

Here is a link to watch the students’ webcasts. We have also posted some below.

Scarlett and Trinity: Eurasian Lynx

Brandon, Tristan, and Steffen: Bonin White-Eye

Kieran and Hunter: Red Panda

Emerson and Lily: Mediterranean Monk Seal

Grady and Chloe: Malayan Tapir


Deb and Samantha

Preparing for Market Night

As you already know, Market Night preparation is well underway. Students have all proposed their ideas and they have some exciting ideas from food to plants to decorations to beauty products.

They are working on their first prototypes and getting feedback from their target market through a market survey. Students will analyze the data from their surveys and be able to improve their prototypes and marketing for Thursday’s mock “Shark Tank.” On Thursday, they will receive a second round of more specific feedback from experts, for yet another prototype or final product.

Students have been learning the design process in their Tinker class and their prototyping uses this same cyclical process.

Imagine –> Think –> Create –> Evaluate –> Re-imagine –> Re-think –> Re-create –> Re-evaluate

On Monday, February 19, they will be in the evaluate and re-imagine stages as they think about what they analyze their feedback and think about what they can do to make their products better. We hope students will learn to take feedback and apply it as well as work to improve their initial ideas. 

As the preparations continue, students will work on various aspects of their Market Night across multiple disciplines. In Art, students will work with professionals to design a logo for their products, and we will focus on their booth designs to make their products most appealing.

In writing, we will make commercials to think about persuading our audience to buy our products, and we will write bios to reflect on why we chose to create and sell the product we have and to let our market know about who we are.

In economics, we will partner with High Country Bank to learn about personal finance including writing checks, saving money, interest, and loans.

We can’t wait to wow our customers on the evening of Tuesday, March 20th!